
TransPhylo is a R package that can reconstruct infectious disease transmission using genomic data. The input is a dated phylogeny, where leaves correspond to pathogens sampled from the known infected hosts. The main output is a transmission tree which indicates who infected whom, including the potential existence of unsampled individuals who may have acted as missing transmission links. TransPhylo works by colouring the branches of the phylogeny using a separate colour for each host, sampled or not. Each section of the tree coloured in a unique colour represents the pathogen evolution happening within a distinct host. Changes of colours on branches therefore correspond to transmission events from one host to another.

  • Didelot, X., C. Fraser, J. Gardy, C. Colijn. Genomic infectious disease epidemiology in partially sampled and ongoing outbreaks. Molecular biology and evolution. 34(4): 997–1007.2017