
Spatial modeling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission with dyadic genetic relatedness data

Understanding factors that contribute to the increased likelihood of pathogen transmission between two individuals is important for infection control. However, analyzing measures of pathogen relatedness to estimate these associations is complicated due to correlation arising from the presence of the same individual across multiple dyadic outcomes, potential spatial correlation caused by unmeasured transmission dynamics, and the distinctive distributional characteristics of some of the outcomes. We develop two novel hierarchical Bayesian spatial methods for analyzing dyadic pathogen genetic relatedness data, in the form of patristic distances and transmission probabilities, that simultaneously address each of these complications.

Long time frames to detect the impact of changing COVID-19 measures, Canada, March to July 2020

Many countries have implemented population-wide interventions to control COVID-19, with varying extent and success. Many jurisdictions have moved to relax measures, while others have intensified efforts to reduce transmission.AimWe aimed to determine the time frame between a population-level change in COVID-19 measures and its impact on the number of cases.MethodsWe examined how long it takes for there to be a substantial difference between the number of cases that occur following a change in COVID-19 physical distancing measures and those that would have occurred at baseline. We then examined how long it takes to observe this difference, given delays and noise in reported cases. We used a susceptible-exposed-infectious-removed (SEIR)-type model and publicly available data from British Columbia, Canada, collected between March and July 2020.ResultsIt takes 10 days or more before we expect a substantial difference in the number of cases following a change in COVID-19 control measures, but 20-26 days to detect the impact of the change in reported data. The time frames are longer for smaller changes in control measures and are impacted by testing and reporting processes, with delays reaching ≥ 30 days.ConclusionThe time until a change in control measures has an observed impact is longer than the mean incubation period of COVID-19 and the commonly used 14-day time period. Policymakers and practitioners should consider this when assessing the impact of policy changes. Rapid, consistent and real-time COVID-19 surveillance is important to minimise these time frames.

Evidence for transmission of COVID-19 prior to symptom onset

We collated contact tracing data from COVID-19 clusters in Singapore and Tianjin, China and estimated the extent of pre-symptomatic transmission by estimating incubation periods and serial intervals. The mean incubation periods accounting for intermediate cases were 4.91 days (95%CI 4.35, 5.69) and 7.54 (95%CI 6.76, 8.56) days for Singapore and Tianjin, respectively. The mean serial interval was 4.17 (95%CI 2.44, 5.89) and 4.31 (95%CI 2.91, 5.72) days (Singapore, Tianjin). The serial intervals are shorter than incubation periods, suggesting that pre-symptomatic transmission may occur in a large proportion of transmission events (0.